SG536: How Creative Garden Author Dawn Pape Educates and Excites Both Kids and Adults
Dawn Pape is on a mission to make gardening more enjoyable and gardeners more informed. She is the author of several books including Lawn Chair Gardener and Mason Meets a Mason Bee. A passionate advocate for bees, native plants, and water quality, Dawn regularly speaks at events to teach her audiences how they can make a difference right in their own backyard.
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“Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.”
― Robert Louis Stevenson.

Interview Questions
Before we get started, tell us a little bit about your life and your love of nature?
Time Stamp: 10:35
Your first book was titled, Lawn Chair Gardener. I loved that title and it refers to a more relaxed approach to gardening. Tell us about it.
Time Stamp: 14:10
What are some of your favorite resources to help you continue to learn about gardening?
Time Stamp: 17:45
What are your big takeaways from The Year-Round Vegetable Gardener book?
Time Stamp: 19:15
If you were to advise gardeners who want to take a more hands-off approach to gardening this year, what advice would you give them?
Time Stamp: 23:00
Gardening is work and sometimes we need a little help, but it seems to be frown upon. What are your thoughts on that?
Time Stamp: 29:50
How do you manage to get a clean edge?
Time Stamp: 33:15
How do you handle your Joe-Pye weed (Eutrochium Purpureum) when it starts to get floppy?
Time Stamp: 34:50
In chapter 4 of your book, The Lawn Chair Gardener, you offer a garden relationship quiz that helps people snag the garden of their dreams. Can you walk us through some of the quiz questions?
Time Stamp: 36:45
Do you think people spend too much needless energy in the garden during fall and spring?
Time Stamp: 40:40
You are attracted to quick and easy ideas for food recipes. What are some of your favorite recipes?
Time Stamp: 44:10
You're creating some great content for kids. Can you tell me a bit more about your Pre-K book entitled Thank You Bugs?
Time Stamp: 46:25
Your other book, Mason Meets a Mason Bee, is fantastic. I heard Heather Holm contributed to this book?
Time Stamp: 49:20
Can you also give us the cliff notes version of this story and the kind of dangers our bees are in?
Time Stamp: 49:50
Mason Meets a Mason Bee has also led to a teacher guide book. Are there enough resources in the classroom covering this topic?
Time Stamp: 55:15
Another unique way you get your message out is through your Pollinator Puppet show. This is a great way to reach elementary students. How are people responding to it?
Time Stamp: 57:15
You have another boy named Max, but he doesn't have a book about him just yet. Can we expect another children's book? Maybe something along the lines of, 'Max Grows Native Plants'?
Time Stamp: 59:10
What is the Pledge to Plant campaign about?
Time Stamp: 1:01:50

Website: Lawn Chair GardenerPledge to Plant
Facebook Page: Still Growing Facebook GroupLawn Chair Gardener
Twitter: @LawnChairGarden
Resources Mentioned
Colorblends Catalog (bulb company)
Van Engelen Catalog (bulb company)
All the Presidents' Gardens by Marta McDowell
Pollinators of Native Plants by Heather Holm
The Year-Round Vegetable Gardener by Niki Jabbour
Bren Haas - #GardenChat on Monday nights.
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What listeners are saying...
I never write reviews but this is the best gardening podcast out there. Jennifer has interesting topics and guests and is not one bit annoying like some others are. I love that she involves her kids at the end of the podcast - usually with poetry or music. Really good podcast.
- Barbcfc, Mar 23, 2016
Still Growing is one of the reliably informative gardening podcasts from North America. The format consists of an intro (personal gardening status chat, seasonal remarks), an extended interview with a guest, and an outro with funny outtakes, side remarks, and some chatter (poems, readings) from the host's children. The podcast is focused on reliable knowledge - the guests are typically experts like academics, master gardeners, gardening entrepreneurs or public garden leaders. The intro and especially the outro give it a homey feel. Given I live in the high northern region, just a little below the Polar Circle, I'm always looking for more cold-weather oriented gardening information. Jennifer Ebeling is in Minnesota, so that's helpful to me! Vegetable gardening (my main interest) gets a good share, but is not predominant. Most topics transcend your specific gardening interest and are applicable to many styles: landscaping principles, vermicomposting, greenhouses. The episodes are typically an hour long, which is just fine for me.
- cwaigl, May 29, 2014
Best gardening podcast out there. Her preparedness leads to a good interaction with the guests and brings out the best in them. Very informative and yet personable.
- Corn bug, June 15, 2016
This is a great podcast. Really well produced and organized with good sound quality. I love the mix of information and personal touches. Jennifer has great guests and asks the best questions. You can tell she really does her homework. I listen to several gardening podcasts and this is my absolute favorite!
- So Cal Gardengirl, June 19,2016
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This post is quite interesting! It’s funny when listening to get more information like this! Keep up with your work! Love it a lot!