SG541: How to Ease into Homesteading One Choice at a Time With Laurie Neverman

Laurie Neverman homesteads in Northeast Wisconsin in a home that would make any gardener drool. In fact, Laurie’s home is annually opened to the public so that followers can check out the attached greenhouse, freestanding greenhouse, solar power, root cellar, and storeroom for preserves. Jealous yet?  In 2009, Laurie started sharing her practical tips and simple choices to become more self-sufficient on her blog, Common Sense Homesteading. Today, Laurie’s blog has over 25,000 admiring fans and her e-book Common Sense Homesteading 101 is available for free to all new subscribers.

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“Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.”
― Robert Louis Stevenson.


Interview Questions

Laurie, why don't we start by having you share a little bit about your personal life?

Time Stamp: 10:05

Why would you build an unattached greenhouse if you already have an attached one?

Time Stamp: 11:10

Do you use your greenhouse to over winter things?

Time Stamp: 12:50

Is it really as simple as making conscious choices that help leads a person to a life of self-sufficiency?

Time Stamp: 15:55?

How do you get the little green worms out of broccoli?

Time Stamp: 21:55

Are there any self-sufficiency skills from the past that are lost to us that you would like to learn more about?

Time Stamp: 25:25

In terms of self- sufficiency, are there endeavors you have tried that you no longer choose to take on because they just aren't worth it to you?

Time Stamp: 28:45

What are some simple things people can do – especially gardeners – to become more self-reliant?

Time Stamp: 30:00

You've recently written a lovely post about preserving strawberries in 12 different ways. Let's walk through some of those ways for the listeners.

Time Stamp: 32:55

You also mentioned to leave the stem on the strawberry, does that apply to other fruits as well? Time Stamp: 34:25

You have a setup that made me so envious – you have a root cellar, a place to store preserves, and a greenhouse. Do people ever ask you about incorporating these features into a modern home?

Time Stamp: 35:40

What's something you wish gardeners would incorporate into their garden practice?

Time Stamp: 37:45

Are you an easily enchanted gardener or do you resist allowing your emotions to guide you in the garden?

Time Stamp: 40:10

Wildcrafting was a term I had not heard of before looking at your site. What is it and how do you incorporate it into your life on your homestead?

Time Stamp: 42:00

What are some of your favorite vegetables that you like to grow?

Time Stamp: 45:50

What do you like to do with your garden harvest? What are some of your go-to recipes?

Time Stamp: 48:05

What do you regard as your central strength as a gardener?

Time Stamp: 52:35

What would you recommend as a plant-list for folks in small spaces?

Time Stamp: 55:30

What percentage of your life is given over to your homesteading blog and online content?

Time Stamp: 57:00

What bloggers or experts do you admire and follow online?

Time Stamp: 1:00:10

You are pretty active on your Facebook page, is that your favorite social platform to use?

Time Stamp: 1:04:00

You have many great skills and one of them is bread making. Actually, you have a new book coming out later this year on the very subject. Can you give us a little preview of it?

Time Stamp: 1:06:10

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What listeners are saying...

I never write reviews but this is the best gardening podcast out there. Jennifer has interesting topics and guests and is not one bit annoying like some others are.

I love that she involves her kids at the end of the podcast - usually with poetry or music. Really good podcast.

- Barbcfc, Mar 23, 2016

Still Growing is one of the reliably informative gardening podcasts from North America. The format consists of an intro (personal gardening status chat, seasonal remarks), an extended interview with a guest, and an outro with funny outtakes, side remarks, and some chatter (poems, readings) from the host's children.

The podcast is focused on reliable knowledge - the guests are typically experts like academics, master gardeners, gardening entrepreneurs or public garden leaders. The intro and especially the outro give it a homey feel. Given I live in the high northern region, just a little below the Polar Circle, I'm always looking for more cold-weather oriented gardening information.

Jennifer Ebeling is in Minnesota, so that's helpful to me! Vegetable gardening (my main interest) gets a good share, but is not predominant. Most topics transcend your specific gardening interest and are applicable to many styles: landscaping principles, vermicomposting, greenhouses. The episodes are typically an hour long, which is just fine for me.

- cwaigl, May 29, 2014

Best gardening podcast out there.

Her preparedness leads to a good interaction with the guests and brings out the best in them.

Very informative and yet personable.

- Corn bug, June 15, 2016

This is a great podcast.

Really well produced and organized with good sound quality. I love the mix of information and personal touches. Jennifer has great guests and asks the best questions.

You can tell she really does her homework.

I listen to several gardening podcasts and this is my absolute favorite!

- So Cal Gardengirl, June 19,2016

Still Growing is an entertaining, incredibly informative show that
gardeners will love.

Jennifer is a fantastic host. She's incredibly
personable, arranges interesting experts, and provides great questions for her guests. The podcast feels like a garden party--and everyone's invited!

I wish I could sit with Jennifer in her garden and talk all day about
gardening. She's a pleasure to listen to.

                                                     - Julie@GardenDelights, Sept 29, 2016


I love listening to Jennifer when I'm working in the garden.

I find Still Growing to be the deep dive experience that I'm looking for while mindlessly weeding, watering, and tending to my plants.

Interesting guests, great subject matter, and plenty of green-thumb knowledge is shared. I love it - keep up the great work!

                                                                Jenny Grows - Sept 8, 2016


Not only is this show super informative if you're looking for more on
gardening and what is happening in that world, but Jennifer herself is such a fun personality to listen to.

She's witty and sharp and full of great insight and advice in her own right.

                                                                         Spiritof608 - Sept 6, 2016


Jennifer writes detailed and hought-provoking questions for her guests, which leads to some really great, detailed answers!

There’s so much to learn in the gardening world, and Jennifer does a great job turning over every rock so her listeners receive legitimate (and helpful!) information!

                                                                             JenMCG34 - Sep 17, 2016

Jennifer Ebeling
Jennifer Ebeling is a proud Minnesotan and U of MN alumni. Gooooooo Gophers! Each week, Jennifer produces and hosts Still Growing - a gardening podcast dedicated to helping you and your garden grow. The show is an in-depth interview format. Guests featured on the show share a passion for gardening and include authors, bloggers, professional gardeners, etc. Listeners and guests of the show can join the Still Growing community on Facebook. It's a place to ask questions, share garden stories, interact with great guests featured on the show, and continue to grow and learn. Jennifer and her husband Philip have four children, a big golden lab named Sonny, and live in lovely Maple Grove, Minnesota. P.S. When she's not teaching her four kids a new card game - or teaching them how to drive a car - Jennifer loves inspiring individuals and groups to maximize and personalize their home & garden.
Jennifer Ebeling
Join the Still Growing Listener Community on Facebook! Click here


  1. Finding Joy in The Garden with Neil Foster on March 3, 2017 at 10:43 am

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  2. 7-8-17 Garden News Roundup - 6ftmama on July 9, 2017 at 5:07 pm

    […] then Laurie Neverman (SG541), a blogger over at Common Sense Homesteading (, shared a new blog post […]

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